The Magtel Foundation and Adecco have organized a microcomputing and networks course, as part of a program by the Telefónica Foundation and Gypsy Secretariat, for 18 people at risk of social exclusion

  • Magtel Foundation technicians are the instructors of a training initiative aimed at improving the employability of participants
  • Adecco, in turn, will provide students with hands-on training at companies

The Magtel Foundation, alongside the human resources company Adecco, has begun teaching a microcomputing and networks course at its Córdoba headquarters, as part of a training program organized by the Telefónica Foundation and the Gypsy Secretariat Foundation. The Magtel Foundation teaches this initiative aimed at improving the employability of vulnerable groups

Specifically, the training initiative was launched with a total of 18 participants who had completed secondary education or basic vocational training, and had high skill levels for employment.

Each course, consisting of 570 hours, combines conceptual education and technical hands-on skills training, along with individual psychological-social support and tutoring for internships that take place upon completing the course. In this sense, the Magtel Foundation coordinates with partner companies to assist students throughout the job placement process, and Adecco finds internships for students at companies in order to improve their employability and assist with job searches. The course content also includes a module on occupational risk prevention in addition to cross-curricular information linked to defending rights, interculturalism and equality.

Training for a growing sector 

In addition to the course taught by the Magtel Foundation and Adecco in Córdoba, the Telefónica Foundation and the Gypsy Secretariat Foundation have also coordinated the program in Alicante, Albacete, Linares, Granada and Valladolid. The organizations believe that “with this training, students will be qualified to assist companies and users with operating PCs, printers, smartphones, tablets and other mainstream computer equipment, while learning the basic concepts of telecommunications networks.”

The curriculum was defined by the organizers based on the yearly growth experienced by the microcomputing sector in terms of its demand for professionals due to the extended use of technology in our everyday lives and in all types of businesses and operations.

The partnership between the two entities falls within the Gypsy Secretariat’s efforts to develop personalized job placement itineraries for gypsies and other vulnerable groups through its “Acceder” program, which is jointly financed by the Operations Program for social inclusion and the social economy, and the European Social Fund’s Operations Program for youth employment.

The Magtel Foundation participates in the #ForoInsertaExpansión on employment and disability

  • Auxiliadora López Magdaleno, the entity’s president, participated in a round table on “the combination of talent, disability and diversity”

The Magtel Foundation has participated in the seventh #ForoInsertaExpansión, a meeting within the “Employment and Diversity” cycle organized by the business newspaper Expansión, the ONCE Foundation and Inserta, aimed at advancing corporate leadership through the inclusion of workers with disabilitiesAuxiliadora López Magdaleno, the entity’s president, participated in a round table on “the combination of talent, disability and diversity” alongside the wheelchair tennis player Cisco García.

Moderated by Rafael Porras, Expansión’s representative in Andalusia, the president of the Magtel Foundation spoke with the tennis player about the positive impact of employees with functional diversity on a company’s workforce and therefore its productivity. In this sense, López Magdaleno shared a few real-life Magtel examples and highlighted the work of the Magtel Foundation in supporting this group’s insertion in the job market.

Held in Seville and geared towards human resources directors, the latest #ForoInsertaExpansión featured Antonio Sanz, Deputy Minister of the President’s Office, Government and the Regional Government of Andalusia; Agustín González, General Secretary of Andalusian Employment and Freelance Work; Virginia Carcedo, General Secretary of Inserta Empleo; Jorge Ramos, Director of the San Telmo International Institute; Manuel Carlos Alba, Director of the Legal and Labor Relations Department at CEA; Francisco López, Regional Director of Andalusia’s Inserta Empleo; and Cristóbal Martín, Regional Delegate at ONCE.

The “Corporate and Diversity” cycle that houses #ForoInsertaExpansión forms part of the Social Inclusion and Social Economy Operations Program that the ONCE Foundation carries out through Inserta, with joint financing from the European Social Fund.

The Magtel Foundation installs its Terapiam system at Aprofis with the support of the Cajasur Foundation

  • The platform, developed alongside Magtel’s R&D&i division, uses augmented reality techniques for the rehabilitation of people with motor disorders

The Magtel Foundation has implemented a Terapiam system at the Aprofis Nuevos Pasos facility, an association that works to integrate Montalbán (Córdoba) residents who have physical and psychological disorders. The platform, aimed at improving the physical conditionpersonal autonomy and cognitive stimulation of people with motor disorders, has been installed at the association’s headquarters thanks to financial assistance from the Cajasur Foundation.

Terapiam is a system developed by the Magtel Foundation and Magtel’s R&D&i division to help people relearn balance and how to walk when, for biomechanical or neurophysiological reasons, they lack full physical autonomy to remain upright. Its main purpose is to simulate physical therapy sessions in an interactive context created using augmented reality techniques.

Designed for minors and adults with physical and intellectual functional diversity, the device features interactive games based on virtual reality to perform motor and cognitive exercises, as well as a tool to assist with therapy. It also targets stimuli and visual self-control, and fosters short- and medium-term motivation.

The partnership between the entities involved was announced at the Aprofis headquarters during an event attended by Miguel Ruz, Mayor of MontalbánJuan Miguel Luque, Director of the Social Innovation and Aid Program at the Cajasur Foundation; and Adrián Fernández, Director of the Magtel Foundation.

The Magtel Foundation helps bring the Inspiring Girls movement to Córdoba

With the theme “Girls without limits, Córdoba’s future” (Niñas sin límites, cordobesas del futuro), the goal is to boost the professional aspirations and self-esteem of girls 

As a local partner, the Magtel Foundation is helping to bring the Inspiring Girls international movement to Córdoba. With the theme “Girls without limits, Córdoba’s future,” a meeting was held in the Córdoba Provincial Council between women who work in various professions and girls from a number of educational centers.

The aim is to stimulate the professional aspirations, occupational expectations and self-esteem of girls by drawing attention to the wide array of professions and jobs that exist. Ten women professionals from various fields shared their professional experience with more than 80 female fourth-year ESO students through speed networking in which they interacted with participants and answered questions about their day-to-day work, barriers they have encountered, work-life balance, etc.

This was followed by an institutional event attended by Marta Pérez Dorao, President of the Inspiring Girls Foundation, along with other institutional representatives and Auxiliadora López Magdaleno, President of the Magtel Foundation.

Some of the volunteers who participated in the Córdoba project are Socorro Fernández, Executive Director of the consulting firm Justnow; Celia Jiménez, Head Chef and owner of Celia Jiménez Restaurant; and Belén Recio, a Spanish athlete who competed 17 times internationally for her country.

The Magtel Foundation has wanted to support this initiative as part of the commitment of its Board of Trustees towards equal opportunities. In addition to the Magtel Foundation, the local partners of Inspiring Girls in Córdoba also include Pecomark, Grupo Puma, Aceitunas Torrent, Tressis, Nicava and York Tefl.

Inspiring Girls

The foundation was created three years ago in the United Kingdom by a Spanish lawyer, Miriam Gonzalez Durántez. Since then, more than 500,000 girls have participated in 50 events and learned from 25,000 volunteer professionals in the United Kingdom alone. Following this successful implementation, the team is currently working on expanding the foundation’s efforts to nine other countries, including Spain.

The Magtel Foundation and the Peru Solidarity Project train 50 families from Peru’s Cuenca district on what to do in the event of a natural disaster

The results of this project, which is financed by the Seville City Government, were presented at the Cooperation Meeting for Non-Volunteers held in Hogar Virgen de los Reyes

The Magtel Foundation has teamed up with the Peru Solidarity Project to carry out the initiative “Support, prevention and risk mitigation in Andean communities affected by strong rainfall in Cuenca (Peru).” The main goal of this project is to provide 50 families living in extreme poverty with guidelines and basic infrastructures that will enable them to face natural disasters more safely.

The results of this initiative, which is backed and financed by the Seville City Government, were presented at the Cooperation Meeting for Non-Volunteers held in Hogar Virgen de los Reyes. The event was attended by the Director of the Seville City Council’s Cooperation Service, Macarena Smith, and the Project Coordinator, Rocío Ciero.

Aid for more than 180 people

The Cuenca region is frequently affected by high levels of rainfall that cause flooding and landslides with serious consequences for the community. In fact, local homes, small agricultural operations and the nearby school were seriously damaged by a recent Cuenca landslide. This is in addition to the emotional damage to the more than 180 members of these communities. All of these factors contributed towards putting into motion this humanitarian initiative.

To help alleviate the situation, the project focused on two aspects. The first was to teach families techniques for preventing, preparing for and effectively responding to natural disasters with the aim of improving the safety, resilience and sustainability of these communities. This involved psychological therapy and emotional recovery initiatives, particularly for children, following the latest natural disasters in the region. There were also two early response simulations that made it possible to put into practice the knowledge acquired.

The second line of work focused on building infrastructures and utilities that would restore basic living conditions for the families participating in the project. The measures implemented include installing an artificial well that enables locals to store rainwater that can later be used for crop irrigation during periods of drought. Seeds and organic compost have been provided to 50 female heads of household to help restore their agricultural fields, which were seriously damaged and even destroyed by rain.

Other initiatives include building 50 eco-friendly greenhouses (each measuring 86 ft2 / 8 m2) to help families supply their own food and sustain themselves, as well as 50 livestock modules to raise guinea pigs and chickens in stables adapted to the Andean culture.

Cuenca district

The Cuenca community is located in the Huancavelica province, in the heart of Peru’s South-Central Range and approximately 9,840 feet (3,000 meters) above sea level. It has a population of 392 residents, mostly women and children with limited resources. In fact, at least 50% are malnourished and forced to begin working at an early age, resulting in elevated school dropout rates. The main economic activity primarily consists of livestock and subsistence agriculture, which must be restored so families may support themselves.

To carry out the project, 50 Quechua families were selected—for a total of 188 people (49 boys, 41 girls, 48 men and 50 women)—and work was done alongside 10 local authorities and 6 civil defense entities.  Additionally, there was always a team of professionals who speak Quechua, the residents’ mother tongue, making it easier to communicate and respect the cultural diversity.

Encuentro de Cooperación Internacional para no Cooperantes de Fundación Magtel

Participating entities

The “Support, prevention and risk mitigation in Andean communities affected by high rainfall in Cuenca (Peru)” project is the result of a partnership between the Magtel Foundation and the Proyecto Solidario por la Infancia as its local counterpart in Peru, with funding from the Seville City Government (Office of Equality, Youth and Relations with the University Community for Development Cooperation).

The Magtel Foundation provides technical consulting and experience from its parent company, Magtel, which has completed water cycle management projects. For this initiative, in addition to coordinating the project, it has also provided an engineer with experience in technology, geomembranes, wells and greenhouses, who has ensured the correct technical execution.

The Brotherhood of Friends of the Distinguished Civil Guard Force and the Magtel Foundation present the 2nd Academic Excellence Awards

These awards honor the best academic records of the children of Civil Guards who reside in Córdoba 

The Brotherhood of Friends of the Distinguished Civil Guard Force (HABECU in Spanish) and the Magtel Foundation presented the 2nd Academic Excellence Awards. These awards honor the best primary and secondary education academic records of the children of Civil Guards who reside in the Córdoba province.

The ceremony took place in the Mudéjar Assembly Hall of the rector’s office at the University of Córdoba and was attended by the Córdoba Deputy Government Representative, Juan José Primo Jurado; the Lieutenant Colonel of Command Headquarters, Juan Carretero Lucena; the Vice President of Magtel, Isidro López Magdaleno; and the President of HABECU Córdoba, Antonio Figueras Garrido.

The awards are classified into several categories, based on students’ education levels, and the recipients included three high school graduates, three secondary education students and one primary education student. The top students were given IT equipment from the Magtel Foundation that will help them continue their education.

During the awards ceremony, Isidro López, a Magtel Foundation board member, congratulated the five girls and two boys who were honored for “their hard work and determination in reaching their goals,” and encouraged them “to continue their education so their dreams come true.” The Magtel Foundation also thanked HABECU for the chance to participate in these awards that are aligned with the entity’s values.

Lieutenant Colonel Juan Carretero asked the winners to take note of the advice given by Isidro López as the Vice President of Magtel, one of Córdoba’s leading companies.

The Magtel Foundation sponsors these awards within its partnership agreement with HABECU to carry out social initiatives aimed at improving society and promoting social and occupational integration through training activities, grants, company internships and job offers.

Conference about the Civil Guard

Prior to the awards ceremony, the Department Chair of Modern History, Enrique Soria, gave a conference about the Civil Guard that was attended by the Dean of the University of Córdoba, José Carlos Gómez Villamandos, and the Dean of the School of Philosophy and Humanities, Ricardo Córdoba de la Llave, along with the aforementioned authorities.

Brotherhood of Friends of the Distinguished Civil Guard Force (HABECU)

HABECU is a non-profit national entity that works towards spreading word of the Civil Guard’s philanthropic initiatives.

The Don Bosco Foundation honors the Magtel Foundation’s efforts in the area of social and occupational integration

  • The entity’s work has been showcased along with that of three organizations located in Córdoba or with a presence in the province

The Magtel Foundation has received an award from the Don Bosco Foundation to honor its efforts in the area of social and occupational integration for people at risk of social exclusion or vulnerable groups. The entity picked up the award at an event organized by the Don Bosco Foundation at Victoria Market in Córdoba, under the “Segunda Cita+Solidaridad” theme.

In addition to the Magtel Foundation, the organization also honored the work of CarrefourClece and the Victoria Market. At the awards ceremony, Ignacio Vázquez, Director of the Don Bosco Foundation, stated that “with their commitment, these companies play an active role in addressing the challenges we face as a society.”

The event, which donated the profits from refreshment sales along with unused resources, was attended by government representatives, a number of political groups and Córdoba’s business network.

The Magtel Foundation partners with the 1st “José de la Torre y Cerro” Award for Historical Research

Backed by the School of Philosophy and Humanities at the University of Córdoba and the “Córdoba, Global City” Chair, this competition honors the best research project on the relations between Ibero-America and Córdoba

The Magtel Foundation has helped launch the 1st “José de la Torre y Cerro” Award for Historical Research, an initiative backed by the School of Philosophy and Humanities at the University of Córdoba and the “Córdoba, Global City” Chair, coinciding with the 60th anniversary of the renowned historian’s death. The award falls within the “Conexión Córdoba” program that promotes research and knowledge of the historical connections between Córdoba and America

Adrián Fernández and Luis Palacios, the Magtel Foundation’s Director and Cultural Manager, respectively, participated in the awards ceremony alongside Enrique Quesada, Vice-Rector of Innovation and Regional Development at the University of Córdoba; Ricardo Córdoba, Dean of the School of Philosophy and Humanities; and Eulalio Fernández Sánchez, Director of the “Córdoba, Global City” Chair.

The competition is open to anyone enrolled at a research center or university in Spain and America, between April 1 and August 31, 2019, with a €1,200 prize for the best unpublished study on the historical, social, economic and educational relationships between American nations and the city of Córdoba. Submissions will be judged by a panel according to their quality and coherence, bibliographical references and connection with inclusive schools of thought on miscegenation

The competition’s rules and information on the submission process are available here.

José de la Torre y Cerro

For many years, José de la Torre y Cerro was the official chronicler for the Córdoba province. He studied the life of the city’s distinguished residents, particularly those involved in the relationship between Córdoba and America, and his work stands out for its ability to convey the importance of what miscegenation represents today. He also headed Córdoba institutions such as the Archive of the Tax Administration Office, the Córdoba Archeology Museum, the Provincial Public Library of Córdoba and the Provincial Historical Archive of Córdoba.

Fundación Magtel y Adecco organizan un curso de microinformática y redes para 18 personas en riesgo de exclusión dentro de un programa de Fundación Telefónica y Secretariado Gitano

Técnicos de Fundación Magtel ejercen como docentes en una acción formativa orientada a promover la empleabilidad de los participantes

Adecco, por su parte, facilitará a los alumnos prácticas en empresas 

Fundación Magtel – junto a la empresa de recursos humanos Adecco – ha comenzado a impartir en su sede corporativa, en Córdoba, un curso de microinformática y redes en el marco de un programa formativo organizado por Fundación Telefónica y Fundación Secretariado GitanoFundación Magtelasume la labor docente en la iniciativa, que se dirige a favorecer la empleabilidad de colectivos en situación de vulnerabilidad.

En concreto, la acción formativa se ha puesto en marcha con un total de 18 participantes con estudios finalizados en educación secundaria o FP básica y altos niveles de competencias para el empleo.

Cada curso, de 570 horas, combina formación teórico-práctica técnica y competencial e integra apoyo psicosocial individualizado y tutorización de prácticas formativas, que se desarrollan una vez completada la formación. En este sentido, Fundación Magtel coordina con las compañías colaboradoras el apoyo al alumnado durante su proceso de inserción laboral y Adecco, por su parte, se encarga de buscar prácticas formativas a los alumnos en empresas con el objetivo de hacerles más empleables y facilitarles el proceso de búsqueda de empleo. Entre los contenidos también se incluye un módulo dedicado a la prevención de riesgos laborales, así como contenidos transversales vinculados a la defensa de derechos, la interculturalidad y la igualdad.

Formación para un sector en crecimiento 

Además del curso impartido por Fundación Magtel y Adecco en Córdoba, Fundación Telefónica y Fundación Secretariado Gitano han convocado el programa en Alicante, Albacete, Linares, Granada y Valladolid. Las organizaciones prevén que “con esta formación los alumnos estarán capacitados para dar soporte a las empresas o usuarios en el buen funcionamiento de los PC, impresoras, móviles, tabletas y algunos otros equipos informáticos de uso habitual, además de aprender las bases de las redes de telecomunicación”.

La temática ha sido escogida por el equipo organizador atendiendo al crecimiento que cada año experimenta el sector de la microinformática en cuanto a la demanda de profesionales, motivado por la expansión del uso de la tecnología en la vida cotidiana y en todas las áreas de actividad y negocios.

La colaboración entre ambas entidades se enmarca dentro del trabajo de Secretariado Gitano para el desarrollo de itinerarios personalizados de inserción laboral con población gitana y otros grupos vulnerables a través de su programa de empleo “Acceder”, cofinanciado por el Programa Operativo de inclusión social y la economía social y el Programa operativo de empleo juvenil del Fondo Social Europeo.

Fundación Don Bosco premia la labor de Fundación Magtel en inserción sociolaboral

El trabajo de la entidad ha sido reconocido junto con el de otras tres organizaciones cordobesas o con presencia en la provincia

Fundación Magtel ha recibido un premio de Fundación Don Bosco en reconocimiento a su labor por la integración sociolaboral de personas en riesgo de exclusión social o en situación de vulnerabilidad. La entidad ha recogido el galardón en un evento organizado por Fundación Don Bosco en el Mercado Victoria, en Córdoba, bajo el lema “Segunda Cita+Solidaridad”.

Junto a Fundación Magtel, la organización también ha reconocido la labor de CarrefourClece y Mercado Victoria. En la entrega de los premios, Ignacio Vázquez, director general de Fundación Don Bosco, ha expresado que “con su compromiso, estas empresas pasan a formar parte activa de la solución de los retos que tenemos como sociedad”.

El evento ha promovido la donación de los beneficios obtenidos con las consumiciones y de los recursos no utilizados y ha contado con la asistencia de representantes de la administración pública, diversas formaciones políticas y el tejido empresarial cordobés.