The President of the Instituto Municipal de Desarrollo Económico y Empleo (Municipal Institute for Economic Development and Employment), Mar Téllez, visited the Magtel Foundation today to learn how the platform operates
The Magtel Foundation is developing Teleasistenci@TIC++ in collaboration with Magtel’s R&D&i division. The project’s goal is to assist senior citizens and dependents through the use of information and communications technology (ICT).
Specifically, this initiative involves designing and launching a website platform and mobile app to handle emergencies and streamline Active Participation Centers for Senior Citizens (APC). It enables users to self-manage their remote assistance needs and use the various features, such as sending notifications to family members or confirming enrollment in APC activities, among other aspects.
Teleasistenci@TIC++ is backed by the Instituto Municipal de Desarrollo Económico y Empleo (Municipal Institute for Economic Development and Employment of Córdoba, IMDEEC), whose president, Mar Téllez, visited the Magtel Foundation today to learn how the platform operates. This support, through its Annual Call for Subsidies for Non-Profit Entities, has made it possible to hire a computer engineer so as to continue working on developing this tool.
During the project’s presentation for the president of IMDEEC, the Director of the Magtel Foundation, Adrián Fernández, stressed the entity’s firm commitment “towards addressing the needs of disadvantaged groups by applying technology and innovation.”
On her behalf, Téllez pointed out that “Teleasistenci@tic++ is an excellent example of how innovative entrepreneurship can improve people’s quality of life by leveraging the potential of new technologies to help care for dependents in their own home.”
With this project, the Magtel Foundation is working to supplement traditional remote assistance services by offering the possibility to perform routine tasks with normalcy, inside and outside a user’s home, facilitating two-way communication between users and the Active Participation Centers (APC). Through Teleasistenci@TIC++, the entity promotes the active aging concept, improves the quality of life of senior citizens and dependents, and encourages personal autonomy.
Teleasistenci@TIC++ is being developed by the Magtel Foundation as the next phase of Teleasistenci@TIC+, a project backed by the Regional Government of Andalusia’s Department of Equality, Health and Social Policies, and submitted with the aim of reducing the “technology gap” between senior citizens and dependents.