Fundación Magtel receives the «25th Anniversary Fundación Orange Award» for its collaboration and support in the digitalisation of the most vulnerable groups in Andalusia

Fundación Magtel has received recognition for its collaboration and support of the Foundation in the improvement of digital skills of the most vulnerable groups in Andalusia.

In particular, through its initiatives to generate, support and promote the employability of people at risk of social exclusion.

On the occasion of the celebration of its 25th anniversary, Fundación Orange also recognised, within this framework of celebration and synergies between third sector organisations, Fundación Ana Bella, for its commitment to helping abused women; and Fundación Don Bosco for its socio-educational projects for the socio-occupational integration of young people.

The president of Fundación Magtel, Auxiliadora López Magdaleno said that «it is an honour for us to be able to support this essential task which contributes to ensuring that no one gets left behind in the path of digitalisation, something which is the key for the present and the future».

Auxiliadora López Magdaleno emphasised that, both the Board of Trustees of the Fundación Magtel and all those who work and form part of the team of this entity, «see this recognition as an impetus to move forward, with even more enthusiasm if possible».

In addition, during the meeting, a round table discussion was held in which  experts debated the possible applications of technology to reduce the digital divide in the most vulnerable groups or those with greater communication difficulties.

The colloquium was attended, in addition to the director of Fundación Magtel, Adrián Fernández Cárdenas the operational director of the Fundación Ana Bella, María Gracia Prada the general director of Fundación Don Bosco and president of Escuelas de Segunda Oportunidad (E2O), Ignacio Fernández Cárdenas, Ignacio Vazquez and the General Director of Autismo SevillaMarcos Zamora.

25 years promoting initiatives

The Fundación Orange is celebrating 25 years of promoting the digital skills of people at risk of exclusion, joining forces with other entities in Andalusia to promote, in particular, initiatives aimed at young people with difficulties adapting to the traditional education system, women in vulnerable situations and those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).