The TERAPIAM project developed by the Magtel Foundation has completed more than 1,100 sessions to support the work of therapists and physical therapists.
More than 80 people with disabilities have undergone rehabilitation and physical therapy sessions through the TERAPIAM interactive program. This initiative uses augmented reality techniques and a motion capture system to improve the autonomy of people with physical and intellectual disabilities.
Specifically, TERAPIAM enables therapists and physical therapists to perform their regular work by completing rehabilitation sessions using this technological device. It places users in an entertaining setting, similar to that of a video game, and using an avatar, they become the protagonist of their own therapy.
This program has scheduled more than 1,100 sessions involving the 18 activities available in TERAPIAM. Through the use of numbers, colors and sounds, participants complete the exercises and repetitions specified in their rehabilitation treatment.
This increases the user’s motivation, concentration and level of effort. In fact, based on the results obtained, the level at which users perform routines improves in terms of the score obtained and the times required as the sessions progress.
TERAPIAM is geared towards people with functional physical and intellectual diversity who are over the age of six, as well as older segments. Its aim is to improve physical conditioning, cognitive stimulation and, overall, encourage personal autonomy.
This project is funded by the Regional Government of Andalusia’s Department of Equality and Social Policies as part of the call covered by the 0.7% personal income tax allocation. It was developed in coordination with Codisa-Predif and Fepamic, where the TERAPIAM device was installed and worked on with users over the last four months.
During the results presentation, the Director of the Magtel Foundation, Adrián Fernández, highlighted the entity’s commitment “to social innovation and using technology to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities.” On her behalf, the Delegate for Equality, Health and Social Policies pointed out that “all the resources are important, so with the goal of encouraging personal autonomy, the Regional Government of Andalusia supports any initiative that helps to build a better and more equal society.”
A constantly evolving project
TERAPIAM was created in 2016 by the Magtel Foundation and Magtel’s R&D&i division. During the initial phase, it was classified as a General Interest Project that Fosters Social Job Creation by the Regional Government of Andalusia, leading the Magtel Foundation to hire a multidisciplinary team of ten qualified professionals with knowledge of unemployment.
Throughout its execution, it has been backed by three Córdoba associations that work with people with disabilities—Asociación Cordobesa de Parálisis Cerebral (ACPACYS, Córdoba Cerebral Palsy Association), Asociación de Parkinson de Córdoba (APARCOR, Córdoba Parkinson’s Association) and Asociación Cordobesa de Esclerosis Múltiple (ACODEM, Córdoba Multiple Sclerosis Association)—and supported by the Instituto Municipal de Desarrollo Económico y Empleo de Córdoba (IMDEEC, Córdoba Municipal Institute for Economic Development and Employment).
TERAPIAM is continuously evolving and improving with new features that make it possible to adapt the proposed routines and activities to user needs.