Fundación Magtel, in collaboration with Asociación Futuro Singular, participates in an environmental awareness day in Hornachuelos to promote corporate volunteering

The meeting brought together professionals from both entities, as well as young people with functional diversity

Fundación Magtel has participated in a day of environmental coexistence organised by Foundation in collaboration with the Asociación Futuro Singular and Fundación FDI to promote living spaces for people with functional diversity, Magtel volunteers and environmental protection.

On this day, also present were the Mayor of the Hornachuelos Town CouncilMs. María del Pilar Hinojosa two environmental technicians in charge of supervising the work to be carried out and several representatives of Fundación Randstad Sevilla.

The day began with an explanation of the cleaning activity to be carried out, as well as the distribution of cleaning materials. The 38 participants including 15 Magtel volunteers, collected a total of 13 kilos of rubbish found on the Las Erillas path in Hornachuelos (Córdoba).

This large amount of rubbish reflects human misuse of nature, which is vital for human and animal survival.

After this activity, in which the teamwork developed by all the volunteers was highlighted, an environmental workshop was held .

On this occasion, and together with the other participants in the day, they made small birdboxes to house different species of birds and bats in the area in order to give them shelter and facilitate their reproduction.

This environmental awareness-raising initiative is part of the programmes that Magtel Foundation carries out in the area of social action through which we promote the improvement of the quality of life of people and our environment, always with sustainable development and environmental protection as basic operating premises, as well as establishing days of coexistence outside the work environment.

Magtel employees collect food and toys for the most vulnerable people cared for by different organisations

Magtel has participated in the traditional Christmas solidarity campaign whose main objective is to help the most vulnerable families to celebrate Christmas, at a time of economic difficulty, in general. The initiative was carried out during the first two weeks of December.

Specifically, the total amount collected through contributions from Magtel workers amounts to 160 kilos of non-perishable foodstuffs such as vegetables, pasta, milk and oil, and 120 new toys. The company used its facilities in Cordoba, Seville and Malaga as warehouses to collect all the products, were subsequently delivered to the different organisations in charge of distributing the food and new toys. Each branch delivers the material to a different social organisation.

Like every year, Fundación Magtel has contributed to increasing the amount of food and toys collected, broadening the scope of the initiative to help a greater number of families.

In this sense, the entity has thanked the employees participating in the campaign for their involvement, which is part of their Social Action Programme for the promotion of solidarity and cooperation among all the company’s professionals.

Ankara brings together members of the InovHumRe project to present the main advances of the initiative

The head of International Cooperation projects at Fundación Magtel, Rocío Ciero, has addressed the flow of migration and responses to it in Spain

The members of the Erasmus+ project «KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practice», also called «InovHumRe have held a new meeting in Ankara, Turkey. In addition to the head of International Cooperation projects at Fundación Magtel, Rocío Ciero representatives of the teams from Brazil, Colombia, Italy, Ireland, Mexico, Portugal and Turkey also attended.

The flow of migrants to Spain, the  response by NGOs, and their experience with the group, as well as the application of digital tools in these intervention processes, were the main topics that the Magtel Foundation team discussed in its presentation.

In particular, they detailed the differences between organisations that operate in Spain and have an international and/or national scope of action, as opposed to those that, due to their capacity, work on a smaller scale. «The specialisation and diversification of tasks is markedly different,” he stated.

During the different interventions, the limits and potential of participation in the evaluation of emergency humanitarian action (EHA), the design and implementation of digital strategies and tools, and the integration of a new participatory evaluation methodology in the intervention of such assistance processes have been discussed.

The different presentations provided an opportunity for in-depth discussion and debate on  the main experiences of emergency humanitarian aid and care for refugees, as well as  digitalisation in the NGOs of the countries participating in the project, and the analysis of some tools such as the photo-reporting, co-design and digital resources.

This project aims to increase the quality and effectiveness of humanitarian action by improving the training of students and professionals in this field. To this end, a study manual on participatory evaluation in emergency humanitarian aid and/or care for refugees is being developed, together with a list of digital tools for its application.

Fundación Magtel facilitates the preparation and distribution of food collected in the ‘Andaluces Compartiendo’ (Andalusians Sharing) campaign

The initiative promoted by Landaluz, Fundación Cajasol and Fundación La Caixa has collected a total of 225,000 kilos of food products

Once again this year, the Fundación Magtel provided the necessary logistical support for the distribution and delivery of the food collected in the campaign «Andaluces Compartiendo» (Andalusians Sharing) campaign, part of the Corporate Social Responsibility programme promoted by the  Landaluz, Fundación Cajasol and Fundación La Caixa.

The initiative has brought together more than 20 companies to provide families with a range of basic necessities such as oil, milk, canned fish, canned vegetables, pulses, etc. The total amount of food collected in this campaign amounts to 225.000 kilos and will be delivered to more than 210 social organisations in the provinces of Cordoba, Cadiz, Huelva and Seville.

In this sense, Fundación Magtel has provided its facilities in the industrial estate of Las Quemadas  storage of the products. From this location, the pallets of food received have been distributed to the different local entities that will benefit from this campaign.

Non-profit associations in charge of local food distribution include: Obra Social «Hermano Bonifacio» Hospital San Juan de Dios de Córdoba; Córdoba Acoge; Fundación Prolibertas-Comedor Social Trinitarios; Mujeres en Zona de Conflicto; Centro de Servicio Caritativo «Buenas Noticias»; Fundación Cruz Blanca; Comunidad Adoratrices de Córdoba; Asociación Iemakaie; Cáritas Parroquial San Lorenzo Mártir de Córdoba and Cáritas Parroquial Trinitarios.

Alleviating the current social ramifications

Andaluces Compartiendo is a solidarity programme organised by the Landaluz Association which, since its beginnings in 2013 to date, has become a global brand of Corporate Social Responsibility for different Andalusian companies, where the organisations that make up the association are committed to values such as commitment and unity.

This action is part of the Andaluces Compartiendo donation campaign at regional level, which allows food to be delivered through business organisations in Andalusia, with the aim of reducing the current social and economic ramifications of the food crisis.

The Magtel Foundation recognises the solidarity work of thirty social organisations

The president of the Magtel Foundation, Auxiliadora López Magdaleno, thanks these associations for their work and highlights the important role of volunteers, particularly those involved with the ‘500 Solidarios’ campaign, which the Foundation has funded for more than 72,000 euros.

The Magtel Foundation has acknowledged the solidarity work of thirty social organisations that have played a pivotal role in the fight against poverty and social exclusion. The event took place in the main hall of the University of Cordoba’s rectory building.

The event, titled “Gracias por Estar” [Thanks for Being There], showcased the work carried out since the 500 Solidarios campaign was launched back in April 2020. It came about as a result of the Foundation’s reorganisation of its social action programmes in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

With this initiative, the Foundation has not only worked to address the health emergency by providing resources but given the impact of the pandemic, it has also addressed a social emergency in the broadest sense of the term.

The initiative saw the creation of a structured system for the donation and delivery of food and essentials to social organisations who provide direct assistance to people at risk of exclusion. More than 72,000 euros has been allocated to the campaign so far.

Partnership activity during the pandemic

The President of the Foundation, Auxiliadora López Magdaleno, has highlighted the need to recognise these organisations for their efforts during the pandemic, and thanked them “for all [their] work, which has been vital for so many people in these difficult times”.

In the same vein, highlighted the essential role of volunteers and recalled how the 500 Solidarios campaign began in uncertain times. “This initiative has gone from strength to strength as a result of the collaboration of all the organisations we want to thank today.”

Her speech was followed by several discussions moderated by journalist Marta Jiménez, who hosted the event. The first was focussed on the role of the organisations and included appearances from Carlos Eslava from Food Bank, and Sara Rodriguez from Fepamic.

The second was dedicated to volunteering and featured Carmen Quero from Caritas, Jose Maria Lopez from Obra Social Hermano Bonifacio del Hospital San Juan de Dios and Antonia Palacios from Magtel. Finally, representing all recognised organisations, Eduardo García from Fundación Prolibertas made an appearance.

Recognised organisations:

*Asociación Banco de Alimentos Medina Azahara de Cordoba [Medina Azahara Food Bank Association of Cordoba]

*Asociación Córdoba Acoge

*Asociación de Padres de Autistas de Córdoba y otros Trastornos Generalizados del Desarrollo (Autismo Córdoba) [The Cordoba Association of Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder or other Generalised Development Disorders]

*Asociación Iemakaie

*Asociación Obra Social Nur [Nur Welfare Association]

*Asociación para la Defensa de la Vida (Adevida) [Association for the Defence of Life]

*Asociación Párkinson de Córdoba (Aparcor) [Parkinson’s Association of Cordoba]

*Asociación Resurgir de Córdoba [Cordoba Resurgence Association]

*Asociación San Rafael de Alzheimer y otras Demencias (Alzheimer Córdoba) [San Rafael Association of Alzheimer’s and other Dementias]

*Asociación Vecinal Unión y Esperanza Las Palmeras [Las Palmeras Unity and Hope Neighbourhood Association]

*Caritas Diocesana de Córdoba

*Centro de Servicio Caritativo Buenas Noticias

*Comunidad Adoratrices Córdoba (Fuente de vida project)

*Spanish Red Cross (Cordoba)

*City Council of Posadas


*Centro Español de Solidaridad Foundation (Hombre Córdoba project)

*Cruz Blanca Foundation

*Diocesana de Enseñanza Santos Mártires de Córdoba Foundation

*Fundación Prolibertas (Los Trinitarios Soup Kitchen)

*Red de Apoyo a la Integración Sociolaboral Foundation (RAIS) Hogar Sí

*Hermanos Franciscanos de Cruz Blanca (Casa Familiar San Francisco de Asís Córdoba)

*San Juan de Dios Hospital in Córdoba – Hermano Bonifacio Obra Social

*ONGD Mujeres en Zona de Conflicto (MZC) [Women in Conflict Zones NGDO]

*Parish of San Salvador y Santo Domingo de Silos (La Compañía)

*Parish of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción

*Parish of Santa María de las Flores (Posadas)

*Parish of Virgen de Fátima

*Parish of Santa Luisa de Marillac

*Parish of Las Santas Margaritas

*Parish of Santa Victoria

The Magtel Foundation receives runner-up prize for Social Solidarity Action in the Caja Rural del Sur Foundation awards

The Magtel Foundation receives recognition for its work

The Magtel Foundation has received recognition in the “Hermano Bonifacio” Social Solidarity Action category in the tenth edition of the Ricardo Lopez Crespo Awards, organised every year by the Caja Rural del Sur Foundation. The aim of these awards is to highlight the best business, innovation, social and cultural initiatives.

In this tenth edition, five candidates have received awards in various categories, along with three runners-up.

The jury valued the Magtel Foundation’s work in the field of justice and equality. This work has been carried out through the various social innovation, international cooperation, employability and cultural promotion activities of the organisation.

The Magtel Foundation’s vision is to ensure that its commitment and the innovative approach of its projects contribute to bringing about a fairer and more equal society, allowing for sustainable and balanced development.

The Magtel Foundation continues to make a special effort to alleviate the effects of COVID-19 through numerous food collections and donations as part of the 500 Solidarios campaign.

The tenth edition was held at the Real Círculo de la Amistad in Cordoba. Undergraduate students at the University of Cordoba (UCO) with exceptional academic records received awards, as did the most outstanding business initiatives within the categories of young entrepreneurship, R&D&I projects for agri-food and work to restore the province’s historical and artistic heritage.

Awards were given to: Events San Cristobal S.L.U., Federación Madinat (Cordoba Province Federation of Drug Addiction and AIDS), and to the restoration of the section of the Mozárabe route of the Camino de Santiago that passes through Alcaracejos (Cordoba), which was promoted by the town council.

The study entitled “Treating soil with entomopathogenic fungi to improve olive grove health: repelling olive fly and its additional benefits on the plant” conducted by Dr. Enrique Quesada, Inmaculada Garrido and Meelad Yousef from the University of Cordoba (UCO) and by ETSIAM graduate, Elisa Vega Martinez, also received recognition.

Three runners-up prizes were also awarded. Visiona Producciones Audiovisuals S.L. received the runner-up award in the category of “Business initiatives promoted by young entrepreneurs” for its droning project, whilst two others received runner-up awards in the category of Social Action Solidaria: the Arruzafa Foundation and the Magtel Foundation.

The Magtel Foundation helps bring the Inspiring Girls movement to Córdoba

With the theme “Girls without limits, Córdoba’s future” (Niñas sin límites, cordobesas del futuro), the goal is to boost the professional aspirations and self-esteem of girls 

As a local partner, the Magtel Foundation is helping to bring the Inspiring Girls international movement to Córdoba. With the theme “Girls without limits, Córdoba’s future,” a meeting was held in the Córdoba Provincial Council between women who work in various professions and girls from a number of educational centers.

The aim is to stimulate the professional aspirations, occupational expectations and self-esteem of girls by drawing attention to the wide array of professions and jobs that exist. Ten women professionals from various fields shared their professional experience with more than 80 female fourth-year ESO students through speed networking in which they interacted with participants and answered questions about their day-to-day work, barriers they have encountered, work-life balance, etc.

This was followed by an institutional event attended by Marta Pérez Dorao, President of the Inspiring Girls Foundation, along with other institutional representatives and Auxiliadora López Magdaleno, President of the Magtel Foundation.

Some of the volunteers who participated in the Córdoba project are Socorro Fernández, Executive Director of the consulting firm Justnow; Celia Jiménez, Head Chef and owner of Celia Jiménez Restaurant; and Belén Recio, a Spanish athlete who competed 17 times internationally for her country.

The Magtel Foundation has wanted to support this initiative as part of the commitment of its Board of Trustees towards equal opportunities. In addition to the Magtel Foundation, the local partners of Inspiring Girls in Córdoba also include Pecomark, Grupo Puma, Aceitunas Torrent, Tressis, Nicava and York Tefl.

Inspiring Girls

The foundation was created three years ago in the United Kingdom by a Spanish lawyer, Miriam Gonzalez Durántez. Since then, more than 500,000 girls have participated in 50 events and learned from 25,000 volunteer professionals in the United Kingdom alone. Following this successful implementation, the team is currently working on expanding the foundation’s efforts to nine other countries, including Spain.

The Brotherhood of Friends of the Distinguished Civil Guard Force and the Magtel Foundation present the 2nd Academic Excellence Awards

These awards honor the best academic records of the children of Civil Guards who reside in Córdoba 

The Brotherhood of Friends of the Distinguished Civil Guard Force (HABECU in Spanish) and the Magtel Foundation presented the 2nd Academic Excellence Awards. These awards honor the best primary and secondary education academic records of the children of Civil Guards who reside in the Córdoba province.

The ceremony took place in the Mudéjar Assembly Hall of the rector’s office at the University of Córdoba and was attended by the Córdoba Deputy Government Representative, Juan José Primo Jurado; the Lieutenant Colonel of Command Headquarters, Juan Carretero Lucena; the Vice President of Magtel, Isidro López Magdaleno; and the President of HABECU Córdoba, Antonio Figueras Garrido.

The awards are classified into several categories, based on students’ education levels, and the recipients included three high school graduates, three secondary education students and one primary education student. The top students were given IT equipment from the Magtel Foundation that will help them continue their education.

During the awards ceremony, Isidro López, a Magtel Foundation board member, congratulated the five girls and two boys who were honored for “their hard work and determination in reaching their goals,” and encouraged them “to continue their education so their dreams come true.” The Magtel Foundation also thanked HABECU for the chance to participate in these awards that are aligned with the entity’s values.

Lieutenant Colonel Juan Carretero asked the winners to take note of the advice given by Isidro López as the Vice President of Magtel, one of Córdoba’s leading companies.

The Magtel Foundation sponsors these awards within its partnership agreement with HABECU to carry out social initiatives aimed at improving society and promoting social and occupational integration through training activities, grants, company internships and job offers.

Conference about the Civil Guard

Prior to the awards ceremony, the Department Chair of Modern History, Enrique Soria, gave a conference about the Civil Guard that was attended by the Dean of the University of Córdoba, José Carlos Gómez Villamandos, and the Dean of the School of Philosophy and Humanities, Ricardo Córdoba de la Llave, along with the aforementioned authorities.

Brotherhood of Friends of the Distinguished Civil Guard Force (HABECU)

HABECU is a non-profit national entity that works towards spreading word of the Civil Guard’s philanthropic initiatives.

The Magtel Foundation partners with the 1st “José de la Torre y Cerro” Award for Historical Research

Backed by the School of Philosophy and Humanities at the University of Córdoba and the “Córdoba, Global City” Chair, this competition honors the best research project on the relations between Ibero-America and Córdoba

The Magtel Foundation has helped launch the 1st “José de la Torre y Cerro” Award for Historical Research, an initiative backed by the School of Philosophy and Humanities at the University of Córdoba and the “Córdoba, Global City” Chair, coinciding with the 60th anniversary of the renowned historian’s death. The award falls within the “Conexión Córdoba” program that promotes research and knowledge of the historical connections between Córdoba and America

Adrián Fernández and Luis Palacios, the Magtel Foundation’s Director and Cultural Manager, respectively, participated in the awards ceremony alongside Enrique Quesada, Vice-Rector of Innovation and Regional Development at the University of Córdoba; Ricardo Córdoba, Dean of the School of Philosophy and Humanities; and Eulalio Fernández Sánchez, Director of the “Córdoba, Global City” Chair.

The competition is open to anyone enrolled at a research center or university in Spain and America, between April 1 and August 31, 2019, with a €1,200 prize for the best unpublished study on the historical, social, economic and educational relationships between American nations and the city of Córdoba. Submissions will be judged by a panel according to their quality and coherence, bibliographical references and connection with inclusive schools of thought on miscegenation

The competition’s rules and information on the submission process are available here.

José de la Torre y Cerro

For many years, José de la Torre y Cerro was the official chronicler for the Córdoba province. He studied the life of the city’s distinguished residents, particularly those involved in the relationship between Córdoba and America, and his work stands out for its ability to convey the importance of what miscegenation represents today. He also headed Córdoba institutions such as the Archive of the Tax Administration Office, the Córdoba Archeology Museum, the Provincial Public Library of Córdoba and the Provincial Historical Archive of Córdoba.