The second phase of the ‘Red Social Innovación’ initiative in which Fundación Magtel collaborates with Fundación Tecsos begins

The aim is to increase the reach of the web platform to generate greater impact in the field of social innovation

The Training Area of Fundación Magtel in direct collaboration with Fundación Tecnologías Sociales-Tecsos, is addressing the second phase of the project «Red Social Innovación» whose objective is to increase the visibility and impact of the of the website, which began to be developed last year.

In particular, work is underway to search for new external partners and the initiatives of the Cruz Roja Española. In addition, in the short term, we want to develop an Instagram profile in order to be able to disseminate all the initiatives that are uploaded to the platform.

«Red Social Innovación» encompasses three main blocks. Firstly, «Identification and selection of innovative initiatives at international level» secondly, «Searching for new ways of financial sustainability to boost the project»; and finally, «Increasing outreach in relation to new virtual spaces of national and international participation in which to actively take part».

The initiative was launched in 2021 with the aim of testing, scaling and promoting the social innovations created and developed within Cruz Roja y Medialuna Roja movements as well as those produced by public and private actors in the innovation sector. Today, our aim is to generate sustainability in terms of technical and economic stabilisation of the project.

Since the creation of Fundación Magtel, networking between social entities has been promoted with the aim of achieving social and technological improvements. The entity collaborates by fostering the opportunities to reach new representative European actors in the field of employability and social innovation.

The project is part of the «Forma y Contrata 2022» call for proposals promoted by the  Instituto Municipal de Desarrollo Económico y Empleo de Córdoba (Imdeec)

The Magtel Foundation installs its Terapiam system at Aprofis with the support of the Cajasur Foundation

  • The platform, developed alongside Magtel’s R&D&i division, uses augmented reality techniques for the rehabilitation of people with motor disorders

The Magtel Foundation has implemented a Terapiam system at the Aprofis Nuevos Pasos facility, an association that works to integrate Montalbán (Córdoba) residents who have physical and psychological disorders. The platform, aimed at improving the physical conditionpersonal autonomy and cognitive stimulation of people with motor disorders, has been installed at the association’s headquarters thanks to financial assistance from the Cajasur Foundation.

Terapiam is a system developed by the Magtel Foundation and Magtel’s R&D&i division to help people relearn balance and how to walk when, for biomechanical or neurophysiological reasons, they lack full physical autonomy to remain upright. Its main purpose is to simulate physical therapy sessions in an interactive context created using augmented reality techniques.

Designed for minors and adults with physical and intellectual functional diversity, the device features interactive games based on virtual reality to perform motor and cognitive exercises, as well as a tool to assist with therapy. It also targets stimuli and visual self-control, and fosters short- and medium-term motivation.

The partnership between the entities involved was announced at the Aprofis headquarters during an event attended by Miguel Ruz, Mayor of MontalbánJuan Miguel Luque, Director of the Social Innovation and Aid Program at the Cajasur Foundation; and Adrián Fernández, Director of the Magtel Foundation.

The Teleasistenci@TIC++ project created by the Magtel Foundation and Magtel’s R&D&i division strives to improve the quality of life of senior citizens and dependents

The President of the Instituto Municipal de Desarrollo Económico y Empleo (Municipal Institute for Economic Development and Employment), Mar Téllez, visited the Magtel Foundation today to learn how the platform operates

The Magtel Foundation is developing Teleasistenci@TIC++ in collaboration with Magtel’s R&D&i division. The project’s goal is to assist senior citizens and dependents through the use of information and communications technology (ICT).

Specifically, this initiative involves designing and launching a website platform and mobile app to handle emergencies and streamline Active Participation Centers for Senior Citizens (APC). It enables users to self-manage their remote assistance needs and use the various features, such as sending notifications to family members or confirming enrollment in APC activities, among other aspects.

Teleasistenci@TIC++ is backed by the Instituto Municipal de Desarrollo Económico y Empleo (Municipal Institute for Economic Development and Employment of Córdoba, IMDEEC), whose president, Mar Téllez, visited the Magtel Foundation today to learn how the platform operates. This support, through its Annual Call for Subsidies for Non-Profit Entities, has made it possible to hire a computer engineer so as to continue working on developing this tool.

During the project’s presentation for the president of IMDEEC, the Director of the Magtel Foundation, Adrián Fernández, stressed the entity’s firm commitment “towards addressing the needs of disadvantaged groups by applying technology and innovation.

On her behalf, Téllez pointed out that “Teleasistenci@tic++ is an excellent example of how innovative entrepreneurship can improve people’s quality of life by leveraging the potential of new technologies to help care for dependents in their own home.”

With this project, the Magtel Foundation is working to supplement traditional remote assistance services by offering the possibility to perform routine tasks with normalcy, inside and outside a user’s home, facilitating two-way communication between users and the Active Participation Centers (APC). Through Teleasistenci@TIC++, the entity promotes the active aging concept, improves the quality of life of senior citizens and dependents, and encourages personal autonomy.

Teleasistenci@TIC++ is being developed by the Magtel Foundation as the next phase of Teleasistenci@TIC+, a project backed by the Regional Government of Andalusia’s Department of Equality, Health and Social Policies, and submitted with the aim of reducing the “technology gap” between senior citizens and dependents.

More than 80 people with disabilities have undergone rehabilitation and physical therapy sessions using augmented reality techniques.

The TERAPIAM project developed by the Magtel Foundation has completed more than 1,100 sessions to support the work of therapists and physical therapists.

More than 80 people with disabilities have undergone rehabilitation and physical therapy sessions through the TERAPIAM interactive program. This initiative uses augmented reality techniques and a motion capture system to improve the autonomy of people with physical and intellectual disabilities.

Specifically, TERAPIAM enables therapists and physical therapists to perform their regular work by completing rehabilitation sessions using this technological device. It places users in an entertaining setting, similar to that of a video game, and using an avatar, they become the protagonist of their own therapy.

This program has scheduled more than 1,100 sessions involving the 18 activities available in TERAPIAM. Through the use of numbers, colors and sounds, participants complete the exercises and repetitions specified in their rehabilitation treatment.

This increases the user’s motivationconcentration and level of effort. In fact, based on the results obtained, the level at which users perform routines improves in terms of the score obtained and the times required as the sessions progress.

TERAPIAM is geared towards people with functional physical and intellectual diversity who are over the age of six, as well as older segments. Its aim is to improve physical conditioning, cognitive stimulation and, overall, encourage personal autonomy.

This project is funded by the Regional Government of Andalusia’s Department of Equality and Social Policies as part of the call covered by the 0.7% personal income tax allocation. It was developed in coordination with Codisa-Predif and Fepamic, where the TERAPIAM device was installed and worked on with users over the last four months.

During the results presentation, the Director of the Magtel Foundation, Adrián Fernández, highlighted the entity’s commitment “to social innovation and using technology to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities.” On her behalf, the Delegate for Equality, Health and Social Policies pointed out that “all the resources are important, so with the goal of encouraging personal autonomy, the Regional Government of Andalusia supports any initiative that helps to build a better and more equal society.

A constantly evolving project

TERAPIAM was created in 2016 by the Magtel Foundation and Magtel’s R&D&i division. During the initial phase, it was classified as a General Interest Project that Fosters Social Job Creation by the Regional Government of Andalusia, leading the Magtel Foundation to hire a multidisciplinary team of ten qualified professionals with knowledge of unemployment.

Throughout its execution, it has been backed by three Córdoba associations that work with people with disabilities—Asociación Cordobesa de Parálisis Cerebral (ACPACYS, Córdoba Cerebral Palsy Association), Asociación de Parkinson de Córdoba (APARCOR, Córdoba Parkinson’s Association) and Asociación Cordobesa de Esclerosis Múltiple (ACODEM, Córdoba Multiple Sclerosis Association)—and supported by the Instituto Municipal de Desarrollo Económico y Empleo de Córdoba (IMDEEC, Córdoba Municipal Institute for Economic Development and Employment).

TERAPIAM is continuously evolving and improving with new features that make it possible to adapt the proposed routines and activities to user needs.