Fundación Magtel lanza la edición 2025 de su Programa de Iniciación Profesional

Una apuesta por mejorar la empleabilidad de jóvenes sin experiencia laboral

Fundación Magtel ha abierto un año más la convocatoria de becas para la realización de prácticas en la compañía a través de su Programa de Iniciación en el Ámbito Profesional.

Se trata de una iniciativa que lleva desarrollando Fundación Magtel desde hace unos años para contribuir a la inserción laboral de jóvenes recién titulados y sin experiencia.

Para poder acceder a estas becas, los solicitantes deberán haber finalizado estudios de formación profesional, grados universitarios o másteres en centros acreditados. Así mismo, se considerarán candidaturas de estudiantes de ingeniería que hayan completado todas las asignaturas requeridas, a excepción del trabajo final de carrera. También podrán participar aquellos estudiantes de ciclos formativos de grado medio o superior que tengan aprobadas todas las materias teóricas y hayan concluido las prácticas correspondientes en empresas.

Para acceder al programa, los perfiles seleccionados deberán ajustarse a los requisitos establecidos por las entidades colaboradoras, con las que Fundación Magtel mantiene convenios vigentes. Así, los participantes se incorporarán a lo largo de 2025 a distintas organizaciones, donde podrán poner en práctica los conocimientos adquiridos y familiarizarse con el entorno profesional.

El plazo de inscripción permanecerá abierto durante todo el año 2025 permitiendo a los interesados presentar sus solicitudes en cualquier momento.

El Programa de Iniciación Profesional forma parte del compromiso de Fundación Magtel con el desarrollo del talento y la generación de oportunidades laborales.

La entidad colabora actualmente con más de 90 institutos de educación secundaria y 25 universidades, tanto nacionales como internacionales, para fomentar la formación y facilitar la empleabilidad en áreas como tecnología, administración, finanzas, telecomunicaciones, informática, marketing y comercio exterior.

Accede aquí a las bases del programa de becas.

Universidad de Córdoba and Magtel join efforts to develop projects in the field of renewable energies and technology

The rector of the Universidad de Córdoba, Manuel Torralbo Rodríguez; the general manager of Magtel, Martín Salgado Devincenzi, and the president of Fundación Magtel, Auxiliadora López Magdaleno, have signed a collaboration agreement

Universidad de Córdoba (UCO) together with Magtel and Fundación Magtel have reached a collaboration agreement with the aim of developing projects related to renewable energy sources and new technologies. For this purpose, the University of Cordoba will place its centres, departments and teaching staff at the disposal of the organisation, as well as making available suitable spaces for the proper development of the initiatives.

Magtel will offer its facilities and infrastructures, as well as the human resources that are generally available in this type of collaboration.

The agreement includes the holding of meetings, conferences and congresses aimed at the exchange of information between specialists; the academic recognition of participation in them in accordance with UCO regulations; collaboration in research activities; preparation and training activities; joint internships; and dissemination of the activities of both institutions, among other actions.

During the signing ceremony, the rector of Universidad de Córdoba, Manuel Torralbo, high lighted that “Magtel has always been a strategic partner in knowledge transfer and innovation projects, and we are very pleased to be able to move forward in new lines of collaboration in such relevant areas as renewable energies and new technologies”.

For his part, the general manager of Magtel, Martín Salgado Devincenzi, pointed out that “this agreement reinforces the collaboration between university and company with the aim of strengthening the areas of research and innovation, which are fundamental for the strategic development of the company”. In this respect, he stated that “the synergies between the two institutions make a decisive contribution to increasing the productivity and competitiveness of the economy, which in turn improves the society to which they belong”.

Finally, the president of Magtel Foundation, Auxiliadora López Magdaleno, expressed that “this type of agreement reinforces the strategic lines in which the entity operates: social action, employability, social innovation and international cooperation“.

Fundación Magtel collaborates with The Social Water Foundation and Lamaignere Foundation on a project to facilitate access to drinking water to various communities in Colombia

The initiative, which falls within the scope of International Cooperation, seeks to install water filters to eradicate different diseases caused by contaminated water consumption suffered by families

Fundación Magtel, together with  Water Foundation and Lamaignere Foundation, participated in the «Atrato Medio» pilot project in Vereda de Santa María (Colombia). Its aim is to provide water purifying filters to the families of this region and facilitate access to drinking water, as this piece of equipment is capable of eliminating 99.99% of all bacteria, impurities and microplastics that the water may contain.

Fundación Magtel has mainly provided advice on public fundraising and on the organisation and presentation of these projects to private funders. Thanks to the capital acquired, access to safe drinking water has been provided to 48 families which has meant an improvement in the lives of  161 people, including 92 adults, 57 children and 17 babies.

Aligned with the SDGs

Water affects all aspects of development and relates to most of the  Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The latest figures show that around 2 billion people worldwide do not have access to safely managed drinking water services, 3.6 billion lack safe sanitation services, and 2.3 billion lack basic hand-washing facilities.

These figures reflect the pressing problem in some parts of the world, which is why cross-border cooperation is needed to share this vital resource, which is essential for the economic well-being of entire regions and for human survival.

Fundación Magtel has developed several training workshops and a presentation to enhance the employability of young people at the ‘Tour del Talento’ event held in Cordoba

The initiative, organised by the Fundación Princesa de Girona and inaugurated by H.M. Queen Letizia, brought together more than 6,000 teenagers

Cordoba has completed one of the most important events of the year in the field of employability with the celebration of the » «Talent Tour« an event organised by the Fundación Princesa de Girona in which more than 6,000 children between the ages of 14 to 20 years of age participated. Her Majesty Queen Letizia was in charge of inaugurating the event.

This initiative, which was held from 13 to 19 April, hosted debates, presentations, conferences, workshops, shows and exhibitions with the aim of connecting with opportunities for personal growth and, at the same time, promoting what makes this sector of the population unique.

It was attended on the behalf of Magtel by the Head of Recruitment and Talent Management of the Personnel Area, Álvaro Barona and the Training Technician, Cristina Gallego and the technician of Employability Programmes of the Fundación Magtel, Cristina Gallardo and the Projects Technician of the same entity, Rocío Ciero.

Prior to the workshops given by Magtel’s professionals, the head of Recruitment and Talent Management of the company’s People Department gave a talk entitled «Hack the job search, do you dare?” in which he presented Magtel, as well as Fundación Magtel.

In addition, he explained the activity carried out in the field of employability and the vision and perspective for the attraction and management of talent, the personal vision of the recruiter; and the analysis of the current labour market, taking into account the most in-demand profiles and the importance of continuous training.

Finally, Fundación Magtel’s Project Technician, Rocío Ciero, gave an overview of how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can have an effect on selection processes.

During the rest of the day, the following workshops were held three training workshops led by Magtel technicians Cristina Gallego, Cristina Gallardo and Rocío Ciero with the aim of improving the employability of the participants. These include workshops on how to improve  LinkedIn profiles and understanding the InfoJobs application from a recruiter’s point of view.

These tools are essential for those seeking to increase their employability in an increasingly competitive market.

The «Talent Tour will come to Lugo on 2 May for a new meeting with young people on the field of employability.

Fundación Magtel, in collaboration with Asociación Futuro Singular, participates in an environmental awareness day in Hornachuelos to promote corporate volunteering

The meeting brought together professionals from both entities, as well as young people with functional diversity

Fundación Magtel has participated in a day of environmental coexistence organised by Foundation in collaboration with the Asociación Futuro Singular and Fundación FDI to promote living spaces for people with functional diversity, Magtel volunteers and environmental protection.

On this day, also present were the Mayor of the Hornachuelos Town CouncilMs. María del Pilar Hinojosa two environmental technicians in charge of supervising the work to be carried out and several representatives of Fundación Randstad Sevilla.

The day began with an explanation of the cleaning activity to be carried out, as well as the distribution of cleaning materials. The 38 participants including 15 Magtel volunteers, collected a total of 13 kilos of rubbish found on the Las Erillas path in Hornachuelos (Córdoba).

This large amount of rubbish reflects human misuse of nature, which is vital for human and animal survival.

After this activity, in which the teamwork developed by all the volunteers was highlighted, an environmental workshop was held .

On this occasion, and together with the other participants in the day, they made small birdboxes to house different species of birds and bats in the area in order to give them shelter and facilitate their reproduction.

This environmental awareness-raising initiative is part of the programmes that Magtel Foundation carries out in the area of social action through which we promote the improvement of the quality of life of people and our environment, always with sustainable development and environmental protection as basic operating premises, as well as establishing days of coexistence outside the work environment.

Universidad Loyola and Magtel join forces to develop projects in the field of renewable energies and technology

The rector of Universidad Loyola, Gabriel Pérez; the general manager of Magtel, Martín Salgado Devincenzi, and the president of Fundación Magtel, Auxiliadora López Magdaleno, have signed a collaboration agreement

This agreement reinforces university-business collaboration in innovation and is in line with the Corporate Social Responsibility strategy of Magtel

The Universidad Loyola together with Magtel and Fundación Magtel have agreed on a framework for action in order to develop projects related to renewable energy sources and new technologies. To this end, Universidad Loyola will place its centres, departments and research staff at the disposal of the entity, and will even make available suitable spaces for the good development of the joint collaborations that are generated.

Likewise, through this agreement, Magtel will make its facilities and infrastructures available to Universidad Loyola, as well as its human resources for the development of the collaboration.

This collaboration will materialise, together with more specific actions through other agreements derived from this framework agreement, in the holding of meetings, conferences and congresses, collaboration in research activities in the field of renewable energies, dissemination of results, joint publication of publications, as well as training activities and internships for students.

During the ceremony in which this agreement was consolidated, the rector of Universidad Loyola, Gabriel Pérez Alcalá, emphasised that «with this collaboration with Magtel we consolidate and move forward on the path of establishing a network for the transfer of knowledge and R&D with the industrial and technological environment willing to add value to research in favour of improving the environment and the care of our common home, an aspect that is of particular concern to Loyola University«.

For his part, the CEO of Magtel, Martín Salgado Devincenzi, said that «with this new agreement between Loyola University and Magtel, we are deepening the collaboration between university and company, a collaboration that we want to strengthen because we consider it fundamental for the growth of the company in areas as important as research and innovation, which we are extending with this agreement, because innovation is part of Magtel’s DNA«. In this sense, he stated that «the role of universities, as centres of knowledge, and that of companies, as guarantors of development and social welfare, are totally complementary and collaboration between the two contributes decisively to increasing the productivity and competitiveness of the economy, which in turn improves the society to which they belong«.

He also assured that «with this new agreement, we want, therefore, to continue promoting Magtel’s growth and its leadership as an innovative company, through collaboration with an equally innovative university with a strong background in research, to jointly contribute its outcomes for the benefit of Andalusia and other areas where we operate«.

Finally, the president of Fundación Magtel, Auxiliadora López Magdaleno, said that «after ten years of activity in relation to social action, the signing of this agreement expands and reinforces the strategic lines in which we work: social action, employability, social innovation and international cooperation«, and expressed her conviction that «we will develop new tasks that will benefit the most disadvantaged and comply with the corporate social responsibility of our entity«.

Commitment to sustainable development

Universidad Loyola is developing numerous projects and research in the field of renewable energies. Through the Materials and Sustainability research group, projects are carried out in the field of CO2storage and valorisation, such as the design and preparation of materials with a high porosity suitable for CO2absorption, or research into the transformation of this molecule into products with high added value.

In addition, researchers at Universidad Loyola are working on the development of new and efficient catalytic routes capable of replacing current fossil fuel-based technologies, of which hydrogen production from renewable energies is one of them. In this sense, Loyola University collaborates with several companies and large projects financed by the Aeronautical Technology Plan Programme and the Science and Innovation Missions Programme of the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), such as Magtel itself , H2B2 or Protio Power SL, with which they are currently developing projects such as those known as «Ad-Grhid» and «H2APS» .

Likewise, Universidad Loyola has recently obtained funding for several projects in the latest call for applications of the State Research Agency for the ecological transition R&D programme, in fact the Fundación Magtel recently awarded the prize for Technological Innovation to the project entitled: «Rheology of Cohesive Granular Media in Thermochemical Storage Systems (GHEMA)»,carried out by the Universidad Loyola researcher Francisco José Durán Olivencia.

In addition, in the field of research and development, Magtel’s R&D&I Division  is leading new projects, such as the aforementioned «Ad-Grid» and «Sunrise PV», which promotes the new generation of photovoltaic technologies to reduce energy costs through circularity strategies.

InovHumRe Project partners met in Lisbon to provide updates on the results of each partner country in the initiative

The head of International Cooperation Projects at the Fundación Magtel, Rocío Ciero, and the entity’s Project Technician, Ana Roldán, attended the meeting

The Erasmus+ project «KA2- Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices»  enters its final stretch with the sharing of the progress made by the teams of each country, as well as the update of its results in a meeting held in Lisbon (Portugal). The meeting was attended by representatives of universities and NGOs from the five participating countries (Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Colombia and Brazil).

In addition, the research carried out by the partners has been brought together and the complete information for the  book that will gather the final data extracted from the project and will be published in the second half of the year. The document will serve as a basis for future training pathways structured around this methodology of social intervention,  participatory evaluation.

The head of International Cooperation Projects at Fundación Magtel, Rocío Ciero and the Projects Technician of the entity, Ana Roldán have explained the practical application of participatory evaluation, using as an example the emergency humanitarian crisis that resulted from the eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano on La Palma.

Secondly, the Foundation’s speakers argued that there is a need to generate several training plans for technicians and workers in the third sector, using participatory evaluation tools, with the aim of implementing this methodology in Spanish NGOs in order to tackle humanitarian response interventions.

In this way, the Spanish team, formed by Fundación Magtel and Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) has made progress in research on humanitarian intervention in Spain and the application of participatory evaluation as an innovative methodology in our country. This work on the development of joint online training actions will be completed in 2023.

Fundación Magtel, present at the inauguration of the physical headquarters of the ‘Orange Digital Center’ in Madrid

Magtel’s FTTH technician, Francisco Javier Mateo, was at one of the stands of the facilities with one of the students of the fibre optic course given in collaboration with Fundación Orange

He gave a demonstration of FTTH installation to H.M. the King, who inaugurated this centre coinciding with the 25th anniversary of the Fundación Orange

Fundación Magtel was present at the inauguration ceremony of the physical headquarters of the «Orange Digital Center carried out by Felipe VI. This is a free and open access technology centre specialising in digital skills for all citizens. These facilities have specialised training for vulnerable groups such as young people and women at risk of exclusion, or people with autistic spectrum disorders.

In addition to H.M. the King, the inauguration ceremony was presided over by the President of Orange Spain and President of the Fundación Orange in Spain, Gervais Pellissier and the Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, José Luis Escrivá together with other authorities and representatives of Fundación Orange beneficiary entities. Francisco Javier Mateo, fibre optic teacher at the Fundación Magtel, gave a demonstration of a FTTH installation to the delegation when they toured the facilities.

Fundación Magtel contributes to the generation of job opportunities among vulnerable groups or those at risk of social exclusion through training and internship programmes. Every year, the organisation runs free courses related to the telecommunications and renewable energy sectors, which currently have a high degree of employability. Over the last ten years, the institution has trained more than more than 890 people and at least four more programmes are planned for this year.

Together with Fundación Orange, training courses have been given on the installation of fibre optics to the home (FTTH), such as the one carried out at the  Centro de Formación de Oficios de Usera, in Madrid as well as those carried out in Linares, Almeria and Seville in previous editions.

Physical space for this project

Madrid is the first Spanish city to have a physical space to develop the educational project «Orange Digital Center». It will be a meeting point for citizens who want to develop their digital skills, as well as for entrepreneurs and startups.

«Orange Digital Center» is an educational platform that seeks to make digital innovation accessible to groups such as young people, women, people with autism and entrepreneurs. It is oriented towards education and digital inclusion it aims to be a place to train the most vulnerable social groups in digital skills, as well as a meeting point for entrepreneurs, families and members of the educational community. The contents are articulated around four training itineraries (Responsible use of ICT, Digital Inclusion, Climate Change and Entrepreneurship).

AFA tackles the future of the Andalusian foundation sector at a new meeting in Malaga

The president of Fundación Magtel and secretary of the Board of Directors of the Andalusian Associations and Foundations, Auxiliadora López Magdaleno, took part in the meeting

The headquarters of the Fundación Palacio de Villalón in Malaga has hosted a new meeting of the Asociaciones y Fundaciones Andaluzas (AFA)the event included a breakfast conference entitled «10 reasons to prioritise fundraising».

The president of the Spanish Fundraising AssociationGloria Oliver presented a decalogue of reasons to invest in fundraising for organisations.

The meeting also served to establish the actions to be carried out to commemorate 20 years of AFA as well as the approval of the new corporate image of the association.

The event began with a presentation by the director of the Palacio Villalón Museo Carmen Thyssen Foundation, Javier Ferrer and the director of AFA, Juan Luis Muñoz Escassi an closed with a speech by the president of AFA, Antonio Pulido. It was attended on behalf of the Fundación Magtel by its president and secretary of the Board of Directors of Asociaciones y Fundaciones AndaluzasAuxiliadora López Magdaleno.

Finally, a networking breakfast between the foundations and associations from Malaga was held, allowing new relationships to be forged. The AFA encourages this type of meeting because they believe that  collaboration is another way for organisations to obtain resources.

Magtel employees collect food and toys for the most vulnerable people cared for by different organisations

Magtel has participated in the traditional Christmas solidarity campaign whose main objective is to help the most vulnerable families to celebrate Christmas, at a time of economic difficulty, in general. The initiative was carried out during the first two weeks of December.

Specifically, the total amount collected through contributions from Magtel workers amounts to 160 kilos of non-perishable foodstuffs such as vegetables, pasta, milk and oil, and 120 new toys. The company used its facilities in Cordoba, Seville and Malaga as warehouses to collect all the products, were subsequently delivered to the different organisations in charge of distributing the food and new toys. Each branch delivers the material to a different social organisation.

Like every year, Fundación Magtel has contributed to increasing the amount of food and toys collected, broadening the scope of the initiative to help a greater number of families.

In this sense, the entity has thanked the employees participating in the campaign for their involvement, which is part of their Social Action Programme for the promotion of solidarity and cooperation among all the company’s professionals.